Victoria Brown

Pronouns: She/Her

Location: Louisiana

I share my story because I felt really isolated when I found out I was pregnant, and the first time I shared that I had an unplanned pregnancy and was having an abortion I had so many of my friends, family members and people around me reach out share their abortion stories with me. Abortion is normal, reproductive healthcare is normal, and no one should feel alone, isolated or stigmatized in this experience. 

Abortion Advice: Lean on the people around you who love you if you need to, you've got this. Don't be afraid to talk about it and ask questions. AND definitely don't eat spicy food when you come'll be starving, and it'll be delicious, but then you'll probably throw it all up in a few hours.

How I honor my abortion: I share my story. My abortion is part of my life experience, and I am open about it in my community and circles, because I had no idea how many of the people around me had already had abortions when I had mine, and I don't ever want anyone else to feel nervous or ashamed or like they are the only person in their circle who had an abortion. And I don't want anyone to think it's not an issue that affects them or the people in your life. 

What I wish people knew about abortion: Everyone loves someone who has had an abortion. 

Who is a celeb who had an abortion that inspired you?
I really appreciated it when Busy Phillips shared her abortion story publicly; it was also a day after I had my abortion. It made me feel empowered to talk about my story the way she did, as just another part of your life experience and a choice that you made.

Victoria in the Press

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