Rana Barar


Pronouns: She/Her

Location: California

I share my story because I want my kids to know that talking about abortion doesn't have to happen in hushed tones.

Abortion Advice: I want my kids to know that talking about abortion doesn't have to happen in hushed tones.

How I honor my abortion: I keep talking about it when I can - publicly and privately.

What I wish people knew about abortion: I wish people knew that abortion is just part of a continuum of reproductive health and choices. Pregnancies start and end in different ways, both great and difficult, prompting both joy and pain, often at the same time. It's not black and white or even grey. It just is.

What is your favorite abortion film?
I still really like Obvious Child. It was funny and sweet and didn't overdramatize the experience.

Rana in the Press


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Kristine A. Kippins