

Pronouns: They/Them

Location: Ohio

I share my story because I want other transgender and nonbinary people to know that they are valid in seeking abortion care and have a voice in the movement. 

Abortion Advice: My best advice is to reach out to your support system, even people who you may not think will be supportive may surprise you. Everyone loves someone who had an abortion and you are never alone in your decision. 

How I honor my abortion: I honor my abortion by sharing my story with others to help end the stigma around abortion care. 

What I wish people knew about abortion: I wish that more people knew that barriers to accessing abortion and that legality is not the same as equal access to services. 

Who is a celeb who had an abortion that you admire?
My favorite abortion story in the media is Stevie Nicks' story because of the description of the barriers that she faced when accessing care. This story shows that the fight for adequate reproductive healthcare has been going on for generations. Nicks even states that if she had not had her abortion, Fleetwood Mac would not exist today. She made the right decision for her and supports abortion access in media. I think that it is important to look to our elders in the movement for their guidance and support.

Aryn in the Press

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