
Pronouns: She/Her

Location: Texas

I share my story because abortion stigma is very powerful and pervasive, and it keeps people who've had abortions silent about their experiences. In turn, this stigma perpetuates a culture that shames and harms people who have had abortions - sharing my story helps to bust this stigma!

Abortion Advice: If you are struggling to pay for your abortion, please reach out to a local fund to see if they can help you! That was the best advice I received because otherwise, I would not have been able to afford mine. Beyond that, if you are having a medication abortion, be prepared with pain medicine, a heating pad, your favorite comfort food, and a show or movie to watch to pass the time.

How I honor my abortion: I honor my abortion by sharing my abortion story, by continuing to advocate for abortion access for all, and by fundraising for TEA Fund, which helped to fund my abortion.

What I wish people knew about abortion: I wish people knew that the most common feeling after an abortion, is relief. I wish people knew that oftentimes, the hardest part of getting an abortion is jumping through all the legislative hoops in place. Abortion is healthcare and access needs to be equitable for everyone.

What is your favorite abortion on TV? In the TV show Shrill, the main character has an abortion in the first episode. It's not depicted as a traumatic experience, but one that she is relieved and empowered by. There is a scene in the procedure room, with the doctor describing how she is performing the abortion. This is impactful because it shows that abortion isn't this huge procedure that a lot of people think it is.

Alyssa in the Press


Makayla Montoya

